
How to Create the Ultimate Real Estate Social Media Marketing Strategy

How to Create the Ultimate Real Estate Social Media Marketing Strategy

Many real estate agents opt to have a social media presence, but are they projecting the right message to potential home buyers and sellers?

Buying or selling a home is a crucial financial and emotional decision. You’ll want to project the correct message to potential clients from your social media outlets. This requires having a strong marketing strategy.

Continue reading below to find out how to create the best real estate social media marketing strategy.

Firstly, Why Use Social Media Marketing for Real Estate?

There has been a shift in the real estate industry since the emergence of the Internet. The first step in the home buying process for most prospective buyers is a search on Google to find the perfect house.

Many potential buyers will go on large home selling websites like Zillow before reaching out to a real estate agent. Attracting potential customers now requires more skill and detail than ever before.

Social media platforms now make marketing really easy, as you can broadcast content to potential clients on the platforms that they already use.

Which Platforms Should You Use?

In short, potentially all of them. It really depends on your target market and what types of real estate you sell. Instagram and Snapchat have a younger following on there and would be appropriate for real estate agents whose clients are in the millennial age bracket.

Facebook and LinkedIn have many middle-aged and older-aged users, so it would be more appropriate for real estate agents that buy and sell second, third or investment properties.

Produce Quality Content

No matter which social platform you decide to use, you will need to produce quality content for a higher ranking in google. High-quality content will always perform better and receive more engagement than low-quality content.

Personal finance advice, home buying advice, live videos, and interactive content will receive a lot of engagement on your real estate page.

Be Consistent

Always post to social media at consistent days and times. If you can only commit to posting once a week then this is a lot better than posting sporadically. Come up with a schedule that works for your real estate business.

Make sure your followers know when to expect your next article, video, or helpful piece of information. This will create some activity on your page in anticipation of your next post. 

Advertise Effectively

Use the advertisement channels available to you on the social media pages. Facebook and Instagram are particularly helpful and can target ads to specific demographics.

Engage With Your Audience

Once you have successfully created your social media pages and posted to them, be sure to engage with your audience. Always aim to reply to messages and comments in a timely fashion.

Start Using Real Estate Social Media Marketing Today!

No matter what type of real estate business you run, start using real estate social media marketing today. You will begin to see the benefits of using social media effectively to entice new clients to use your services. 

For more information on real estate marketing, take a look at the other articles on our blog!

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